Feed & Schema Indexing
Use this document for internal purpose only. It is not suppose to be shared with customers
After we have processed feed and its schema, we are ready to index it in the Unbxd system.
Having feed indexing done, covers the significant progress in the integration process. Once feed is indexed, rest of the integration can by continued as search and category APIs
become available.
Though we have processed feed and its schema is ready for indexing, we need to first index the schema and then product catalog. It is important as it can be understood with the analogy from mysql world - You create the table first and then only data can be inserted. Similarly, indexing the schema is like creating the table and indexing the processed feed is like inserting the data in the table. Hence indexing the schema should always be before indexing the feed and is only one time process ( until and unless you are not adding new attributes)
Indexing schema
Once we have schema JSON, we can index it using the below API call
$> curl -X POST 'http://feed-apac.unbxd.io/api/site_key/upload/schema' -F file=@schema.json -H 'Authorization:secret_key'
You can check the status of the indexed schema by looking at the response
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Indexing Catalog
Once we have schema indexed, we can index the processsed feed using the below API call.
$> curl -X POST 'http://feed-apac.unbxd.io/api/site_key/upload/catalog/full' -F file=@product_details.json -H 'Authorization:secret_key'
$> curl 'http://feed.unbxd.io/api/site_key/catalog/status'
<<Add a video here, which describes how to schema and feed index>>
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