Feed Review Stages
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After capturing the customer requirements in FRD, feed review and indexing is the very first and most crucial step of integration. Having it right is important to avoid a whole lot of rework from the client and as well as Unbxd side.
Four stages of feed review
Feed compatibility review
In the Feed compatibility review stage we try to the understand feed in terms of compatibility with the Unbxd system. In other words, we try to understand if a given feed has all the attributes and relationships which are mandatory to be ingested by the Unbxd database.
Feed product review
Feed product information review is a kind of review in which we try to find if a feed does all the information that is necessary to show on the website. In this aspect of feed review, we explore the customer’s e-commerce website and figure out what extra information is needed in the feed to make those features work on the website
Feed data review
In this stage of feed review, we review and validate the data of different attributes of the feed. An attribute in a feed can contain legitimate values, null values or unknown values.
Feed logic review
In this stage of feed review, we try to understand if any business logic customer has suggested for fields like inventory, out of stock, segment pricing, etc. In this phase, our goal is to make sure we have enough information to implement any special logic the customer has asked for.
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